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Dandruff lotions, an excellent option

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    What is dandruff?

It represents dead cells on the human scalp and occurs when the cells of the scalp die faster than normal. The scalp cells are constantly renewed, but to avoid this problem it is necessary not to die too early.

     The reasons for its appearance

There are several reasons, but one of these reasons may be an inadequate diet, which may contribute to the fact that white scales invade us. The following reasons may be stress, insufficient rest and even the use of products that are not suitable for hair.

     Dandruff lotion recipes

In this article I will give you some recipes for eliminating mumps. They can be prepared quite easily and can have magnificent results in the fight against dandruff.

     Thyme and nettle lotion

Ingredients: 2 tablespoons thyme in combination with 2 tablespoons nettle, then add lemon juice and 1/2 liter of water.

Method of preparation:

  • boil water in a bowl
  • then put the nettle and thyme and let it boil somewhere between 10-15 minutes
  • after boiling, leave to cool
  • and in the last phase, the mixture is passed through and the lemon juice is added and stored in a jar.

After the product is finished, we will use this lotion after washing our heads. After applying the lotion leave to act for a few minutes before rinsing. For the best results, I recommend using it 3 times a week.

     Basil dill lotion

Ingredients: mix the water with the basil

Preparation: boil the basil leaves, and then allow to cool.

Usage. The application of this lotion on your head is done before bed, because then it penetrates perfectly into your scalp, and in the morning you will wash your hair with a shampoo indicated for dandruff.

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